Monday 9 December 2013

Social #8 - Honesty

Entry 15

Honesty... What is Honesty... Exactly? Honesty, simply put, would to be free of deceit and lies.

I have mentioned this before, but I shall do it again to spare you the trouble of checking other entries I blogged, "Lies are what keep one's social status at equilibrium." If you don't understand, it simply means that lies prevent your social status from tipping out of your favour in social circumstances. This saying usually applies to all lies, assuming they are logically made.

Honesty is the enemy of lies and deceit, so...
Honesty - Lies And Deceit
And since Lies are there in social circumstances to help you in your social life and to prevent awkward circumstances and outcome that may negatively affect your social standpoint in the social scale, we can say that Honesty is against your social status. What I mean by that is well, for example, when you have an honest opinion that may hurt the other party, announcing it would give a negative impression on that yourself as someone who is 'mean'. Whereas announcing a socially approving statement that does not directly harm the other party would not hinder your public figure but instead would be against your honest opinion.

So honesty and lies are in a constant conflict when it comes to making a reply or comment, as the overall outcome that is commonly desired would be one that is socially approving and does not negatively hinder your public figure. Making the right reply or comment will always come down to priorities. Do you value your public figure more than your morals? In this time and day, honesty is looked down upon as 'inappropriate' and 'rude'. Although blunt honesty may be the truth, the truth hurts. And that is seen today as a social assault on the other party. So be wary on your choice of words, as the same message can be conveyed through different choices of words, where some of which are inappropriate and where some are. Eventually, the truth will set you free, and you'll learn to live with it.

If you value your morals more and prefer honesty, consider your usage of words before talking to not offend the other party. If you value your public figure more and have to lie to yourself and everyone, give the most ideal answer you can possibly give in that situation, to gain more social status.

I'm trying to keep these entries short from now on, so that it won't hurt your eyes as much, and as always, reality... Find a way out.

Monday 25 November 2013

Ideals And Reality #5 - Hope

Entry 14

Hope, what is hope... Exactly?

Hope would be to have an expectation or desire for something to occur... An event? A course of action? This is simply the definition, but I'm not done.

In daily life, Hope is usually entangled between the conflicts of ideals and reality. For instance, Hope may be associated with ideals as one would normally hope for the ideals of that day to occur, such as an event that may seem pleasing. However, Reality usually crushes those instances of hope for ideals. I use the word entangled, as the ideal hope for that day may vary depending on the amounts of idealism and realism subscribed to by the person. Find out more at  "A Realist and An Idealist" , another entry of mine. 

I say this because if one who has a strong belief in idealism has an ideal hope that may seem impossible for the day/(any period of time), he/she would normally set himself/herself to achieving that goal with willpower and effort. If you have a strong belief in realism however,  you would set the hope of the day/(any period of time) to low expectations and a normal routine of daily life that may not suit your ideal tastes, but you know that it would not get any better as you have embraced reality. 
For one who has healthy amounts of realism and idealism in a balance, would often struggle to find a hope that may prove ideal, yet real. It will normally exist in a small conflict in your head, as in your head you know you cannot mix ideals and reality up or the balance of idealism and realism will collapse.

One of the keys out of this conflict would be to abide by this saying "If you have no will to go anywhere, then it doesn't matter where you go". This saying is a positive one, and a negative one at the same time. It is positive in the sense that you won't have any worries or struggles. Its is negative in the sense that you have no expectations or goals to achieve at all. Or, you could also simply deal with the conflict and lower your hopes to one that seems the least repulsive and seems possible in reality.

Hope may also be that one essence in your heart where you may find peace in treacherous times, the desire for an ideal route to occur in reality.

Pardon the slight nudity (if you are sensitive to these things). But this picture just shows how hope is one of the few escapes from reality, to bridge ideals and reality to give a sense of relief in one's life.

They say only the realest of people may find their dreams, whereas idealists may never as their dreams and hopes are too high up, where reality cannot even think of reaching. This saying may seem like it takes the realist's side, but that dream that the realist was aiming to achieve should not have been as rewarding as the hope of the idealist. Thus, emphasising the need of balance between idealism and realism in one's self. The meaning of hope, is different to everyone. To me, its one of the few essences that bridges ideals, and reality. And as always, escape reality.