Sunday, 17 November 2013

Ideals And Reality #4 - A Realist and An Idealist

Entry 13

A Realist.
Definition from Urban Dictionary
Realists have a firm grip on reality and can see things for what they are, not what they are told they are. Realists have their own views and do not fall victim to propaganda, misconception, or titles!

Simply put, they tend to see through the illusions of reality and have the ability to put an end to hopes, dreams, Ideals. They are simply the enemy of imagination and possibility and believe that whatever hopes and dreams that people have that do not seem possible, will never happen. Its a pessimistic way of thinking, but also can be helpful at times. Helpful, in the sense that they can break the unwanted illusions of others and can 'snap them out of it'. For instance, when someone does badly for an exam, one would normally dread about it for a few days, weeks. A normal Realist would tell them that it is pointless dreading over something that happened, but to work for something possible in the future. This crushes the illusion conjured by the person's sadness from the results and will continue to live normally once again. Well, not 'normally', but you know what I mean right? 

An Idealist.
Definition from Google
a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations.

Again simply put, they see everything as it is, but tend to believe that they can be more than what they are, especially people. They believe that any ideal is possible with willpower and perseverance and do not believe that nothing is impossible. Well, this is good to a certain extent. Its good to set goals that are achievable, but not to an extent that its impossible. Good Idealists tend to be guided by ideals that are possible and can be made if effort is put into it. For example, once the person has calmed down after the depression of not doing well for an exam, an Idealist would tell that person to set goals, achievable goals, and make that an ideal to seek. This creates an illusion disguised as a goal, a drive, to strive and achieve the ideal with sheer willpower and effort.
You can choose to live a life filled with illusions, as ignorance IS in fact bliss. But Realists tend to dwell in the sad truth, the sad truth that is reality and have unbreakable firm grips. Idealists are more or optimists and choose to believe in good things and do not look at reality to harshly. 

Its good to have a close-to-equal blend of realism and idealism as it allows for realisation to ideals and amendment to make them possible and achievable. In a social sense, allows for the skill of cheering people up to be greatly improved with the moral philosophy bonus. It also helps in projects and work when you want to propose something or improve the workplace or school. Leaning to far to one side may lead to pessimism or optimism, and optimism without control or realisation is not good. I shall go into-depth on that one day. Have a good balance, think carefully, and as always, thanks for reading. 

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