Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Social #7 - Awkwardness

Entry 10

What does it take to be considered awkward?

-causing or feeling uneasy embarrassment or inconvenience.
-causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.

To be awkward, is to have issues in judgement and decision if it determines your social status. For example, a statement is made and its intended reaction was to affect your social standpoint, and you want to react in a way that proves pleasing to the audience as well as to the statement maker. Now, being awkward can sometimes be mistaken for being embarrassed. Don't mix the two up.

Now, awkwardness usually instills a hidden fear within one's self, a fear that the reaction and outcome will not suit everyone's expectations. The key to ending awkwardness, would simply be to not overthink it. Do what is right, and all the negative reactions received will soon realise the judgement in decision you made was not wrong but the right thing to do. Awkward issues should be addressed as soon as possible and are more important than regular issues. Since all awkward issues target your social status and standpoint, they tend to cloud your mind with questions like "How should I react?" or "What should I do about her/him?" and rob you of your ability to think critically. This causes something similar to emotional stress. You spend time thinking about these issues and they tend to hurt your 'heart', if you will. (This may be the most juicy thing I've blogged in ages). These issues cloud your mind, which rid you of the opportunity and time to address the regular issues in life, which are usually less thought about and easily solvable. These statements may not apply to everyone, but they definitely apply to the modern socially average person. If you work under pressure unlike me well, then you can handle awkward situations very well.

I know the modern instinct would be to avoid awkward issues and let it be. But awkward issues that involve people close to you may never cease, unless addressed. Awkward issues such as these do not follow the phrase, "Time heals all wounds". Awkward issues that involve people close to you are like wounds, and if not treated properly, will always leave a scar, a permanent mark. These issues require closure, a resolve that proves ideal to those involved and once that is established, proper healing can begin. 

There is no socially approving way to prevent awkward things from ever happening, but what people can control is what happens after. I loosely quote words I heard from Ben 10 Alien Force, "It's not about what you did, but about what you're going to do." As much as everyone hates awkward things, it is inevitable. Just handle it right before it gets out of hand. If it gets out of hand, do everything in your power to stop it, once and for all and things may turn out pleasing.

Awkward situations, if handled well and properly, can boost the affection levels of the audience if you take the right route through the maze of booby traps that may affect your public figure. The length of the maze and amount of booby traps that you could potentially set off depends on the seriousness of the situation. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Social #6 - Friends

Entry 9

Friends... What are friends? Besides being a "person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations". In this day and age, the word friend is misused so commonly that the misusage of the word might have become its definition. Friends may simply be people you 'hang out with' or 'have fun with'. But the term friends has much more meaning to that, pardon my corny sentimentality here. Now, the well-being of a friendship is usually determined by the initial impact, the first meeting as so to speak, like all relationships.

The impact is key as it determines the route of the friendship and what challenges lie ahead. The initial impact is like the trunk of a tree, it has to be strong to support a better relationship further on. For example, whenever you feel that you doubt your friend, you'll always have that good first impact with your friend and your initial experiences with him or her. From here, the route that the trunk takes you may have its bumps, but the strong base or impact will usually keep it intact. However, if the base or impact is not strong, then it only relies on the mutual feelings of both individuals. Both have to want this friendship in order to achieve it. The friendship will collapse if the bumps are not handled very well. However, the friendship will prosper with each bump overcame.

Now, the ideal meaning of friendship would basically be the person that would 'stick by you', 'always by your side' and 'does what is best'. Which is what I believe most friendships should be about. However, staying by your friend's side even though your friend's side is the wrong one would make you a bad friend. You should always support your friends, but also do not let them stray from the ideal and good path. Before you begin to overcome the bumps, consider your own feelings towards that person before advancing as once you establish a better connection with your friend, your friend will constantly have those feelings towards you as well, so there is no backing out unless you are a bad person.

Friendships can also be tools, in order to gain personal items or subject material, social status perhaps. Friendships such as these tend to crumble easily, and sometimes the eagerness to achieve those items may hide your true feelings towards that person, causing self deception. 

Thank you very much for reading, I really do appreciate it. And as always, thanks for reading this wordy stuff.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Romance #1 - Social Network's Impact

Entry 8

Hm... Okay, here it goes.
Now, as romance has evolved over the years, it has been slowly more corrupting and impure, pardon my selfishness in this blog. So, ever since the rise of the internet age, more and more relationships begin and end faster than they normally should. In this time and age, many inventions have been created to replace human contact, which is one of the primary reasons why relationships start and end more quick than they should. Texting, words that convey messages without any emotion or human contact. Reading someone's text always allows for imagination. For example, if you are angry at someone, you would see his or her texts as purely hostile when they do not actually intend it to be. Similarly, when lovers text, they usually imagine the ideal response and tone that their partner would have given in response with the text their partner sent.

This usually leads to misunderstandings and clouded judgement when thinking about the topic. Thus, many refuse to even think about it. However, I disagree as romantic relationships work best without social networking and mobile devices. Calls are exceptions however, as the sound and tone of the caller's voice would not be misunderstood or clouded. If you are attempting to conquer someone romantically, I strongly suggest you stop obsessively texting and start texting more seldom and maintain more regular face to face interactions instead of cold, heartless and emotionless texting. 

This is simply my speculation. The simple want for ideal and pure romance will never exist, but that does not mean we cannot work towards it and develop ideal ones that can possibly exist today. Initially I believed that pure romance only existed in the past without such devices to replace human contact. I still strongly do, but maybe there is a way for pure romance and the technological age to co-exist and still produce the dramatic ideals of romance. Or is this the end of the road for it? Who knows. Personally, I've had one particular 'relationship' which was almost purely based through text and call. I say 'relationship', because I was constantly unclear of what was happening. Relationships like these that include seldom actual human contact are just purely based on imagination and hopes. The hopes that you might one day actually be together with that person and imagination as if you were in a real relationship. Reality will hit and you'll realize it for yourself. Real relationships with more often face to face contact allows for you to get to know a person and not constantly have clouded imaginations of what that person is really like. 

Sorry that I wasn't in my 'mode'. My 'mode', being my super deep mode where I become all specular and all. My exams recently ended so I did not have much spirit into this, my apologies. Thanks for reading this long and wordy blog!