Thursday 14 November 2013

Ideals And Reality #3 - Perspective

Entry 12

Perspective... What are perspectives? You could look at it in this way, viewing the same situation in different shades that bend reality in each one. "Its always and only about perspective". Perspective allows for people to see things in different light, empathising with another person to see something different.

For example, when a thief who steals food, to on-lookers it would seem that he is a criminal and should be put in jail for his wrong doings. But from the thief's perspective however, he is simply taking from the rich and giving to the poor to compensate for the corrupted government's actions. 

On-looker's                Peasant's

Thief                    Hero
Steals for self gain      Steals to help the poor
Should go to jail       Should be honoured

From these two different perspectives, we can see that both perspectives are completely different and do not share much in common. What we should do, is to look at things from different perspectives before publicly judging. Publicly judging, because prejudgement is inevitable in your mind, but before publicly accusing someone of something, view it from different perspectives. For "Perspective Defines Reality". The word "define" is used, because at one glimpse it would not seem as what it truly is until you define it by viewing it from different perspectives and the truth is revealed. 

You can't blame yourself for not viewing things in ALL perspectives, but you should try to, as it expands your way of thinking and allows for clearer thoughts and solutions. Perspectives are what keep social structures stable, as they allow for common empathy between people to flow and determine their course of action depending on the situation. However, constant empathy can wear yourself out and may be a hinderance and a distraction to matters at hand. The key to such occasions is to only take perspectives and empathy into consideration during social circumstances, when your social standpoint and public opinion is at risk. 
When in seek of truth, juggle all the perspectives that you can take into your head and concentrate. If you can't fit them all, take not of the rest and do them separately. Juggle all the perspectives and think hard, take severe differences and similarities and piece the truth together. The truth will eventually reveal itself if you operate on logic and understand common human behaviour. You could always ask the source of the situation if you want to know the intention or cause of the situation.

If your comprehension of human behaviour and empathy is good, perspective can be a useful tool to solve unknown courses of actions or situations, and also can be used to turn the odds of social events into your favour if you manipulate them well. And as always, thanks for reading this wordy stuff!

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