Saturday 28 September 2013

Social #4 - Emotional/Social Pain

Entry 6

Well, emotional pain. The Worst Kind, if I may say so myself. It was more commonly used by women before the digital age and the rise of the smartphones and internet, I shall explain why further on.
       Now, I'm just quoting something I read somewhere online. But it basically goes along the lines of this. When Men want to hurt people, they physically beat you up and make you injured. But when Women want to hurt people, they mess with who you are, your location on the social scale. Men? They mess and bully, but they don't mess with who you are.

Today, most people resort to hurting people where it hurts most, not because they can, but its because its the only legal way since gossiping isn't a crime.

 Emotional or social pain usually comes when the adapted generations of our time pose a threat to each other's social circle. When you know that the opinions of your social circle aren't turning in your favour, your social life feels as if its in peril. You feel you just sunk to the bottom of the social scale. That is the pain. When life feels like its crumbling, even though not much has changed, physically. This is so, because we tend to care for the opinions of others deeply, which I explained further in The Factual Social Life #2

Feeling awkward? That is also a tinge of social pain, when you really don't know what to do. You're at a loss of judgement on which action to carry out. And when the awkward moment ends inevitably and you have not done a socially approving action, the social pain kicks in and screams, demanding an answer to why you did nothing at that moment. Now, the fact that everyone knows how to socially and emotionally attack someone, results in emotional/social damage. A.K.A, DRAMA. Drama, emotional/social damage with resolve and plot. Today's modern age allows for more common drama, sadly, online. Most of modern real dramatic scenes can only be interpreted through text online. Very few happen in real life, which saddens me. 

I believe such emotional and social damage should be dealt with not online, but in real life when human affection and presence is present. Because when one is angry with another, one cannot unleash emotional damage so easily in life, but when alone and online, being angry at a motionless tool such as the smart phone which displays irritating text allows for the anger to grow larger thus causing more common drama but not actual, drama.

We can usually ignore social and emotional pain by simply not caring. Play a game. Read a book. Watch videos. Escape from reality for a moment and relax your mind from such stressing issues that haunt you. Once you finished your break, think about it with a fresh mind. NOT AT NIGHT! Because people make the worst and most blinding decisions and thoughts then. And as usual, thanks for reading this wordy and must-be-boring stuff!

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