Monday 9 September 2013

My Personal Life #1

Entry 2

Theres not much information I should release to the internet, but here it goes.

Well, for starters I got my kindergarten teacher expelled... I was laughing too hard when my teacher threw my friend's book to the back of the class. And I was picked up, still on the chair. And literally thrown out of class, suffering some injuries. Ha. Hahahaha.

Long story short, I found a love for photography, anime, and drama. And instantly I joined the Drama CCA in Secondary 1 and entered the committee the next year, which I'm overjoyed about. Its really a feat. I joined a 'nice' small group in my Church Youth Ministry and discovered people fun to hang out with, my 'clique'. Ha. But well, not every group is perfect. We do have some 'issues' and all, considering that we came together only because of gossip. I don't really have that MANY friends in school, only small groups of them. Since most of the boys in my school I find intolerable and annoying. Mostly because of their undeveloped brains and self centeredness. Oh well. My parents are like any Christian Chinese parents, enforce and moralize.

Well, after that my views on love which I will soon post about drastically changed. I saw that relationships that occurred around me and with me were nothing but pain. Manipulation. Immaturity. I often advise people not to get into them, but to no avail. Some people just have to see for themselves. You know the saying, a wise man learns from his mistakes. And wiser men learn from the mistakes of others? Well, for someone at the age in secondary school, its best they see for themselves. I'm not totally against it though, it fully depends on the maturity of both sides. Which can defer as everyone matures at different rates. But well, do it for the experience. But well, it may not turn out as a good experience. It may turn out like mine. My Melancholy. Well, ignorance IS in fact bliss. So don't think too much on the subject. Because that's for people like me, people who don't enjoy life the way most do. Well, thats all for now. Chow.

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