Thursday 26 September 2013

Ideals And Reality #1 - Ideals / Reality Bites

Entry 5
Ideals... "Absolute Convictions That Transcend Reality" -The World God Only Knows (my favourite anime) Ideals are not what is perfect, but what you think is perfect. People need more ideals in their life, a goal to achieve, the ideal route. Always follow your ideals and push others on with them. The ultimate goal should be to share ideals with one another creating the 'perfect' world. I say 'perfect', because not all share the same ideals.

An ideal is a principle or value that one actively pursues as a goal, usually in the context of ethics. Ideals are particularly important in ethics, as the order in which one places them tends to determine the degree to which one reveals them as real and sincere. It is the application, in ethics, of a universal. It is roughly similar to the relative intrinsic values.
Someone who claims to have an ideal of honesty but is willing to lie to protect a friend is demonstrating that not only does he hold friendship as an ideal, but, that it is a more important one than honesty. Thus ideals can be seen to be similar to values. - Wikipedia

Intrinsic - Belonging naturally; essential.

For instance, evil people might have different ideals (values) than that of normal people. People dwell into ideals because reality bites, they want a better world with better things. Of course eventually they hit reality and logic and your whole ideal world falls apart. But you should work towards it and impose it on others, the future is what you make of it. Most good video games and movies which are popular seldom relate to real life, but resemble ideals and the ideal route to end a problem. Thats why we watch and/or play those things, its an escape from reality, the taste of a good ideal world.

It saddens most when we realize that ideals are never going to fuse with reality, but we should share our ideals and work towards it. When reality bites, we tend to go into hobbies and interests to escape reality and enter another where the rules of life are different. For example, photography. The cameras capture instances in reality. Good pictures are usually those that are extraordinary or are captured at good moments. In this hobby, the rules are different. The goal is to take good pictures and ignore everything else. There are no tests, or expectations or restrictions.

Thats why its best not to mix reality and fiction together. Fiction and anything non-existent are mere reflections of reality, through different shades. Ideals are simply looking through the shade you believe exists and how reality should be. Its good to have multiple escapes from reality so that one of them wouldn't bore you. Personally, I like to see ideal routes that lead to the ending. Thats why I and maybe others dwell into anime or novels. My personal goal is to discover many routes to life, and ones I find ideal. Because we all know how we love ideal things right?

When life gets you down, always look for the ideal route you want to take from there, and work towards the ideal ending, the prime time of your life. The ending of the ideal route really depends on where you want to end it. Marriage, death, achieving a goal, anything really. Just work towards your ideals and everything will fall into place. Ideals are convictions of reality because they aren't supposed to be in this world, banned, if you will. But the reality is no match for ideals, willpower can overcome these things and bring ideals into reality. Sorry for this being really dry, I worked on this thing for a few moments in a span of weeks, so I was not in my 'deep and emotional and passionate' mode. Hahaha, and as always, thanks for reading this really wordy stuff.

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