Monday 9 September 2013

Social #1 - A Social Life

Entry 1

So, hope this doesn't bore you instantly, but this was put here just to widen your perspectives and think about things. #deep

So... What is a social life? Its the very thing that binds us together, your social standpoint, your position in the 'caste system', but still can be moved up or down. Its what defines you...Publicly. Yeah?Now, we all know we'd do lots of things to maintain our position, our place in someone's good side. Now, here comes my motto "Its only and always about perspective". Perspective is everything, but I won't go into too much detail on this now. Basically, people often judge others on what they feel is right. They judge based on morals and values, which is what puts you on the social standpoint between friend or foe, good or evil. 

Now, where you are on the social scale greatly affects your future. For example, when your convicted of a felony, and you want to get a job. The permanent judgement given to you in court, would stick with you for the rest of your life. And that social status is what will define your every move as the public sees it... Such as, pardon the slight sexism. When an innocent man accidentally falls onto a woman. It could be seen as an accident. Whereas when a man convicted of molestation falls onto a woman, it would be seen as attempted molestation or rape. But one will always attempt to tip the balance of the social scale with lies. Now, to me "Lies are what keeps one's social status at equilibrium". Equilibrium, where you aren't judged for something bad, or good. You're basically innocent as long as the lie prevails. But not all lies end well, soon they will lead to more lies and become a habit and it goes downhill from there.

Being too engrossed in one's social life will soon lead to relying on others to validate your own existence. But you must know that you do not need others to define you, but it is important to be at social equilibrium in this life. Sorry for too many words, sometimes I get caught up with being too deep and go on and on about these wordy things. I don't have that much experience coming from a secondary schooler, but this more or less sums up my findings and observations.  I shall post more in the future, for now, thanks for reading.

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